Michael Strickler

COVID-19 Guidelines update

At the church board meeting on May 18 the board passed several motions changing the COVID-19 guidelines for the church. First, a motion was passed to allow for the removal of masks once a person is seated in the sanctuary for worship. Masks may be left off during the entire service, including all singing. Masks should then once again be worn when exiting the sanctuary. Secondly, a motion was passed to place all hymnals, Bibles, music books and stationary items in the racks on the back of the pews. These items had previously been removed but will now be available for use for those who feel comfortable handling them. The board then decided that these new guide-lines will be in effect beginning Sunday June 6, 2021. The board will continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 and will review all existing guidelines at each church board meeting to determine future changes to the guidelines. Thank you for your patience as the board continues to address this situation in a manner that will allow all of our members to feel safe while attending services and functions in our building.

Sermon from 09 May 2021

Sermon Title: “Mother’s Day – They Lived Happily Ever After”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: I Peter 3:7
Synopsis: One of the greatest gifts any of us can have is the gift of a special lady in our lives to walk with us and encourage us and pray for us. Most of us have a person like that built into our lives. We call them Mom. For some that is not always the case. But usually if we look hard enough we can find someone who we can look back on and see the positive influence in our lives. This Sunday morning we will talk about the greatest gift we can give those special ladies, be they our mom, someone else in our early life or our wives.

Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church