
The mission of the Carlisle Church of the Brethren is:
We are called to be a Christian Community, sharing the Love of God.

Each year, we also have a theme statement, which is discerned at the Board Retreat after Scripture study and prayer.

The theme for 2015 is “Let all things be done for peace and mutual up building.”

The theme for 2014 was celebrating our past 100 years, and building on a firm foundation for the next years.

The theme for 2013 was “We are out-flowing vessels for seeds of God, sharing, caring, serving, which results in thankfulness to God.”

The theme for 2012 was “Shining the love, light and life of Jesus to our neighbors, the last lost, least, linking all ages.”

Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church