Due to the very high probability for dangerous icy road conditions tomorrow morning, the decision has been made to cancel our in-person worship services for 1/9/22.
At a special church board meeting on Tuesday July 6 the following changes were made to the church COVID-19 regulations. First, the requirement to wear a mask in the church building has been removed. In addition, the requirement to maintain a social distance of at least six feet within the building has also been removed. Persons are now free to enter and utilize the church building without wearing a mask and without maintaining a social distance of six feet with other persons. Of course, if individuals are more comfortable wearing a mask and maintaining social distance they are free to do so. These changes were made based on recent changes to State of Pennsylvania guidelines.
If you know of anyone who is not on the prayer chain or does not have email, please pass this information on to them.
We are looking forward to seeing all your bright, shining, smiling faces!
– Church Board
At the church board meeting on May 18 the board passed several motions changing the COVID-19 guidelines for the church. First, a motion was passed to allow for the removal of masks once a person is seated in the sanctuary for worship. Masks may be left off during the entire service, including all singing. Masks should then once again be worn when exiting the sanctuary. Secondly, a motion was passed to place all hymnals, Bibles, music books and stationary items in the racks on the back of the pews. These items had previously been removed but will now be available for use for those who feel comfortable handling them. The board then decided that these new guide-lines will be in effect beginning Sunday June 6, 2021. The board will continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 and will review all existing guidelines at each church board meeting to determine future changes to the guidelines. Thank you for your patience as the board continues to address this situation in a manner that will allow all of our members to feel safe while attending services and functions in our building.
The church board met on Tuesday January 19, 2021 and voted to begin in-person church services again on Sunday January 24, 2021. Adult Sunday school will begin at 9:15 A.M. followed by morning worship starting at 10:30 A.M. Children’s church will once again be available during the worship service. As a reminder, all COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions which had previously been in effect will remain in effect as we re-open, including mask wearing and social distancing.
The church executive board met on Friday December 11 and made the decision to suspend all in-person church services at the Carlisle First Church of the Brethren beginning this Sunday and continuing through Sunday January 3, 2021. This action was taken in accordance with new Pennsylvania state restrictions announced by Governor Wolf that are designed to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This means that there will be no in-person church services at our church on Sunday December 13, Sunday December 20, Thursday December 24 (Christmas Eve), Sunday December 27 and Sunday January 3, 2021. This policy will of course be re-evaluated in early January 2021 to determine our policy going forward.
Church services at the Wolgamuth Church of the Brethren on Sunday December 13 and Sunday December 20 will continue to be available for viewing on the Wolgamuth Church Facebook page on those Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 A.M. A link to the service will also be provided via EMAIL for those who are not on Facebook for viewing at any time.
The Wolgamuth church will then also be suspending in-person services on December 27 and January 3. Pastor Doug will provide a virtual worship service for both churches for those Sundays. You will be able to access these services through a link sent to you via EMAIL and view them at any time.
Let me assure you that this was a difficult decision and was made with the primary concern for the safety of all of our members and friends.
Ike Tritt
Church Board Chairperson
The church executive committee met on Jan. 4 and decided to not re-open the church for in-person services on either Sunday Jan. 10 or Sunday Jan. 17. We will address the possibility of having in-person services beginning on Sunday Jan. 24 at the January church board meeting.