
Sermon from 21 July 2024

Sermon Title: “Jesus Who?”
Pastor: Brandon Miller
Scriptures: John 15:1-17

Synopsis: From His very first Word in Genesis 1, God has had much to tell us about who He is. The revelation of God builds through the Old Testament and is fully realized in the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. How well, though, do we truly know Him? If someone asked you who is God or who is Jesus, how would you respond? We’ll look to the Gospel of John for some insight to these important questions.

Sermon from 14 July 2024

Sermon Title: “Living Among the Lions”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Daniel 1:1-6

Synopsis: 2,600 years ago a man named Daniel was captured and forced to live in the hostile, godless nation of Babylon. If you think our culture is bad, his was worse. But he was able to thrive in the midst of the pressure, staying faithful to God and growing in influence. What can we learn from Daniel to help us in our world today?

Sermon from 07 July 2024

Sermon Title: “Eye Trouble”
Pastor: Linda Mayfair
Scriptures: Acts 9:8-20

Synopsis: Jesus said that he has been sent into the world “for recovery of sight to the blind.” “I came into this world,” he said, “that those who do not may see.” Jesus did give physical sight to several people who were physically blind. But that was not the primary kind of sight he came to restore. Jesus was more concerned with spiritual blindness, blindness of the heart and darkness of the soul, than blindness of the eyes.

Sermon from 30 June 2024

Sermon Title: “Bouncing Back”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: John 1:8-9, Ps. 69:5-6, 1 Peter 2:24

Synopsis: Stupid decisions lead to bad outcomes. It is inevitable, we mess up. But if we are to live life to the fullest, we must take risks. So how do we recover when we make a bad decision? Own it, confess it to God. Repent, change direction, don’t keep doing the same thing. Then know your weaknesses and don’t hang out with those who will encourage that same bad behavior. You create transparency. Ask what would happen if everyone saw your decisions. Finally, make the exchange Jesus offers. His grace for our messes.

Sermon from 23 June 2024

Sermon Title: “Avoidance”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Proverbs 7

Synopsis: If we can define and refine how we make good decisions, we can become good risk takers. But what do we do when we work the “process,” but the potential outcomes are still a little unclear. We want to look today at the golden buzzer for good decisions and the poison bill for bad decisions. As we said it is imperative to invite God into our decision making. Then there are propositions to think through as we work toward and make a decision. The golden buzzer (Phil. 2:3) takes interest in others as well. Focus on others rather than yourself. The poison pill is just the opposite, make it all about you (James 4:6).

Sermon from 16 June 2024

Sermon Title: “A Father’s Love”
Pastor: Linda Maifair
Scriptures: Matthew 1:18-21

Synopsis: God gave Joseph the privilege and responsibility of serving as the earthly father — parent, provider, protector, teacher — of his Son, Jesus. A challenging and sacred calling that required great sacrifice and great trust and reliance on God. The men who father us are given the same privilege and responsibility– fathering God’s children on earth. Also a sacred calling that requires great sacrifice and great trust and reliance on God.

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Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church