
Sermon from 29 December 2024

Sermon Title: “Hope Is Here”
Pastor: Linda Maifair
Scriptures: John 1:1-5
Synopsis: God’s gifts to us at Christmas don’t end when we take down the tree and put away the decorations. Jesus, the inextinguishable Light of the World still shines. Emmanuel has been born, and God is and always will be with us. Hope IS here!

Sermon from 22 December 2024

Sermon Title: “Going First”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Luke 2:8-20
Synopsis: For an act of grace to occur there has to be a death. When God, our heavenly Father, stepped into history to extend grace to us, he did not give us what we deserved, he gave us what we need most. It cost God everything and changed. We are to be followers of God, which means, we to are to extend grace to others as God has extended grace to us. So in your life, who is it in your mind doesn’t deserve grace but needs it more than anyone else. Remember grace has to be undeserved. It can’t be I will give you, if you give me. It is I will extend grace to you no matter what. You can receive, you can ignore it, or you can put it back in my face. It is not a transaction, I will do this for you if you do this for me. So who is it in your life, who needs grace from you this Christmas? They may or may not accept it, but it will change you and our church and our community.

Sermon from 15 December 2024

Sermon Title: “The Most Expensive Christmas Gift”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: John 13:34-35
Synopsis: What was the most expensive present you have ever gotten for Christmas? What is the most expensive gift you have ever been given? At Christmas, God GAVE the most expensive gift anyone has ever given or anyone has ever received. God gave what we did not deserve all for a people who needed it the most. It was so expensive because it cost God His very SON. He gave His Son as payment for a price we could not pay and in turn paid the bill on a price we could not afford.

Sermon from 08 December 2024

Sermon Title: “Here and Back Again”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Romans 5:12-21
Synopsis: Two major events have an affect on all of mankind. The first occur early in Genesis chapter 3. While we may not all agree on the proper way to understand the account, I think we agree the account of Adam and Eve represents God’s first encounter with human existence. It started off fine but somewhere along the way, there was the serpent, the apple, Adam and Eve. With that one event not only was sin introduced into the world, it’s effects would forever change mankind. The second event began some 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, then to Egypt, then in Nazareth and culminated in Jerusalem with the death and resurrection, then God man Jesus Christ. It undid what the first Adam did and set the potential for eternal life for you and me and everyone else. When we should have gotten exactly what we deserved, God stepped in and gave us what we need most, “Grace.”
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Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church