Sermon from 18 October 2020 Published October 18, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “Invest and Invite” Pastor: Doug Miller Scriptures: Luke 15:1-7 Synopsis:
Sermon from 11 October 2020 Published October 11, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “Selfishness or Service” Pastor: Doug Miller Scriptures: Gen. 3:1-13, Rom. 6:23, John 10:10, Phil.2:3-8 Synopsis:
Sermon from 04 October 2020 Published October 4, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “Come, follow me” Pastor: Doug Miller Scriptures: Synopsis:
Sermon from 27 September 2020 Published September 28, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “Turn and Live!” Pastor: Traci Rabenstein Scriptures: Ezekiel 18:25-32 Synopsis:
Sermon from 30 August 2020 Published August 30, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” Pastor: Doug Miller Scriptures: Exodus 12:31-36 Synopsis:
Sermon for 23 August 2020 Published August 22, 2020 | By Michael Strickler Sermon Title: “Messengers of Mercy” Pastor: Jerry Underkoffler Scriptures: Jonah 3:5 through 4:4 Synopsis: Unfortunately, we might find ourselves portrayed in this scripture. If/when we do, God help us to make some important changes. Audio only: In case of problems playing the video