Sermon from 04 June 2023

Sermon Title: “Soul Care”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Mark 1:4-10, John 3:27-31

Synopsis: We concluded our series on how to take good care of your soul. This last week we will look at John the Baptist who stood as a stellar example of giving what he could. In our own lives, often times the fear of loss wars against our souls and our happiness. But when we live with open hands and open hearts we increase our ability to help others and increase our own happiness. The value of a life is not in how much we preserve, it is in how much we can give away.

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Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church