Sermon from 02 June 2024

Sermon Title: “What Were You Thinking?”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Matthew 25:14-30

Synopsis: We are constantly making decisions. What role am I going to play as dad in my kid’s life? Is it republican, democrat or independent? How much will I let God into the details of my life? Yet we never know who or what hangs in the balance of our decision. But our decision does determine the direct and the quality of our lives. Bad decision affects us but they also can affect others. Think about you own family, parents, and grandparents; if they would have made different decisions, how would that have impacted you? Truth is we can’t look down the line and ever know how our decision will affect others. All decisions have consequences, all have risks. We never reach our potential unless we are willing to take risks. Farmers who watch for perfect weather will never plant a crop (Solomon) and will never have a harvest. Jesus told a story about taking risks. In the end Jesus tells us that all of us must take on responsibility and assume risk if we are to harvest the potential He has for us.

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First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church