
Sermon from 14 August 2022

Sermon Title: “If Then Why?”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: Matthew 6:5-15, Proverbs 30:8–9
Synopsis: If God already knows my needs, why pray? Because the purpose of prayer is to surrender your will, not impose it. Compared to most of the world, many of us run the risk of losing an active sense of dependence on God because we have so much. How can our prayers help combat that?

Sermon from 24 July 2022

Sermon Title: “Life Changers”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: James 1:2-5
Synopsis: Earlier in the month we talked about important relationships. But what about life changing circumstances? Many times God uses the circumstances of our lives to test the strength of our faith. Look at the apostle Peter who struck out (3 times) denying our Lord in the final hours of his life. A big failure, but in the end, Jesus hands him the keys to the kingdom. Later, Peter gets an A+ after his encounter with the Sanhedrin. Think about our own lives, the lessons we learn and the lessons it sometime requires us to review again and again before we get it right. God uses all of those incidences to strength our faith muscle to prepare us for the days ahead on our continuing faith journey.

Sermon from 10 July 2022

Sermon Title: “The Amazing Unfairness of Grace”
Pastor: Linda Maifair
Scriptures: Matthew 20:1-15
Synopsis: Annual Conference will be beginning on this Sunday in Omaha, NE. Linda Mayfair will be filling the pulpit at Carlisle. Come and enjoy this wonderful speaker as we consider the great unfairness of grace. How come everyone got paid the same? Aren’t you glad Jesus treats all of us the same way.

Sermon from 26 June 2022

Sermon Title: “Could Not Have Done It Without You!”
Pastor: Doug Miller
Scriptures: John 1:48-49, Hebrews 10:23-25
Synopsis: Ever heard of divine intervention? It is like at just the right time, God dropped somebody or somebodies into your life. Later, you look back and say if it were not for so and so, I don’t know where I (or my family) would be right now. As we continue our study of enduring faith, we will look at how God uses relation ships to encourage and inspire us in building faith muscle.

Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church