The Carlisle Church of the Brethren was a mission effort by several nearby Brethren congregations. The first official organization was on January 5, 1914, which makes our congregation over a hundred years old. We still have children and grandchildren of charter members who worship with us.
The group met in various downtown locations, before constructing a building at the Corner of Walnut and South West streets in Carlisle. That building was dedicated on September 1914. Eventually, the church had outgrown the building and moved to a lot slightly outside of town, at 1340 Forge Rd, This building was dedicated in Dec, 1986. The new building is handicapped accessible, all on one floor, with adequate storage and meeting rooms. You will find some history that moved with us . . . there are still the posts for hitching horses outside the building!
Below is information from our 100th Anniversary celebration if you would like to know more details of our history.
Quotes & Reflections from Our History
Dick Shreckhise:
1978 “This directory contains names and pictures of people who belong to God…we are challenged to care for each other as God cares for us; To open ourselves to relationships with all persons. Our local church is our starting place, our training ground to love and serve the world.”
Comment by Melanie Jones in 2003: “. . . we are a people in motion—loving, serving, worshipping, in the name of Jesus Christ.”
50th Anniversary booklet:
“Were we able to turn time back to the last Sunday in October in 1907 we would witness the first worship service of the Carlisle Church of the Brethren congregation. In Clark Newsbaum’s Hall on South Hanover Street, where Hoffer’s Meat Market now stands, Elder John A. Miller of Oakville, Pennsylvania, preached the Word of God to Brethren worshippers gathered there.”
“. . . January 5, 1914, another council was called at which time the organization was completed and “Carlisle First Church of the Brethren” made plans for building a church. Elder Joseph Long was elected to be elder of the church…There were about forty-six members at that time. Brother J.E. Trimmer was the resident minister.”
“The Carlisle Church was completed and dedicated on September 16, 1914. Mr. H. A. Lackey, the contractor, was paid $6081.65, and Mr. Hamm of York, the architect, as paid $138.67. The entire cost of the building was $8,499.19.”
“The following missionaries received support from the Carlisle congregation: Sara Myers, Velma Jane Dick, Mary and Alva Harsh, Wendell Flory.”
“One of our members, Benjamin Sollenberger and his wife are now serving as career missionaries in Waka, Nigeria. Another member, Ray Tritt and his family, served in Mubi, Nigeria for 3 ½ years.”
“Originally, the church was served by free ministers, from Lower Cumberland church, Upper Cumberland Church and Carlisle itself. The first pastor was Rev. Samuel Stauffer who served from 1918-1919. Other pastors up to 1964: Trostle Dick, DE Miller, Harper Snavely, Russell Weber, Francis Litton, David Markey, Warren Kissinger, Arthur Smith and Kenneth L. Miller.”
The Articles of Incorporation tells us that the name of the church is actually “First Church of the Brethern of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the corporation is: The worship of Almighty God according to the faith, doctrine, creed, discipline and usages of the Church of the Brethern in the United States of America. The Corporation does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise, to its members.” The articles were signed by Albert Tritt, Charles Trimmer, E.W. Roth, Charles L. Becker and Galen Kline. It was witnessed Sept 20, 1945.
The History from the 80th Anniversary: “The decision was made on August 11, 1985 to move to a new location and construct a new house of worship at 1340 Forge Road in South Middleton, just off Interstate 81. The existing building was sold to Bibleway Church of God in Christ. On March 23, 1986, a ground-breaking ceremony was held in the new location, and on December 7, 1986, the new church building was dedicated.”
“No history of the Carlisle Church would be complete without mentioning the work of the women. A “Sisters’ Sewing Circle” was organized on April 6, 1914. It was later called the Sisters’ Aid Society and presently is known as the Women’s Fellowship. A few of their many activities include: quilting, home-made pie sales, operating food stands at local sales, annual bazaar and yard sale, lunches for families following funeral services, making bed pads and doing volunteer work for The Brethren Home. The church has benefited in many ways from the funds they have raised.”
On this occasion of celebrating our 80th anniversary, we quote from the 50th anniversary booklet: “Carlisle Church of the Brethren honors the past, but strives to live in the present and for the future.” (Arlene Roth)
100th Anniversary:
The History from the 80th Anniversary: “The decision was made on August 11, 1985 to move to a new location and construct a new house of worship at 1340 Forge Road in South Middleton, just off Interstate 81. The existing building was sold to Bibleway Church of God in Christ. On March 23, 1986, a ground-breaking ceremony was held in the new location, and on December 7, 1986, the new church building was dedicated.”
“No history of the Carlisle Church would be complete without mentioning the work of the women. A “Sisters’ Sewing Circle” was organized on April 6, 1914. It was later called the Sisters’ Aid Society and presently is known as the Women’s Fellowship. A few of their many activities include: quilting, home-made pie sales, operating food stands at local sales, annual bazaar and yard sale, lunches for families following funeral services, making bed pads and doing volunteer work for The Brethren Home. The church has benefited in many ways from the funds they have raised.”
On this occasion of celebrating our 80th anniversary, we quote from the 50th anniversary booklet: “Carlisle Church of the Brethren honors the past, but strives to live in the present and for the future.” (Arlene Roth)