
A wise man once said, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is fun.” We like to play together, and to turn our work into play. We enjoy eating together, whether it is at a restaurant or cooking meals in the church building’s kitchen. Our covered dish dinners are delicious!

Our “girls”, who range from 96 on down, have been meeting for a Birthday Breakfast on the last Wed. of the month for probably thirty years.

We go to ball games, to shows, on shopping trips and to see new places. One visit was to Meadowbrook Gourds. We have chicken barbeques, work together on our Annual Gym Sale, and laugh often at choir practice.

We are a congregation that loves our pets. We have had a Christmas service outside in a barnyard for our pets. Mainly dogs attended with one brave cat, and the cows watched us all closely.

Welcome to the
First Church of
the Brethren


Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Doug Miller


Every follower of Jesus


Carlisle COB Church